Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Walk Through Life!

To My Daughter .....A walk in progress

As we sit remembering ,the steps it took to get here,
Do we wonder if it is so far, worth the trip?
Would we change in some way,
the things we did or some of the places,
we stopped on the way.

The detours you see, don't just happen to me,
They come upon us all some day.
How different would life be,
if we take a few less steps?

“For better or worse,”is what they say but,
do we even know when we arrive,
if it was better or worse?
When does this journey end,
or should we just keep walking?

Stopping along the way to rest for awhile,
is always helpful you see!
It gives us the time to make up our minds
and make changes in life you and me.

“For better or worse,” is what they say,
but what we make it is what life will be!
So lets take our time, we're all doing just fine.
Days of sadness will soon turn to joy.

All the memories we build
will make our lives filled,
with happiness most of the time!

Copyright © December 2005 Cynthia Losco

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